
RefugeeHomeNL has ended
On December 31, 2023, the RefugeeHomeNL project came to an end. No matches between Dutch host families and refugees from Ukraine will be facilitated through RefugeeHomeNL. We have also discontinued providing guidance and support to cohabitants. However, this website will remain active as an information source for anyone offering or considering providing shelter to Ukrainian […]

New number for Red Cross WhatsApp Helpline
The number for the Red Cross WhatsApp Helpline has changed. The new number for the Helpline is: +31 97 0102 86 964. The Helpline is intended for refugees from Ukraine in the Netherlands. They will receive advice and information in their own language through the Helpline. For example, about accommodation options in the Netherlands, urgent […]

Extension of the Temporary Protection Directive
Extension of the Temporary Protection Directive On September 28, the EU member states decided to extend the current Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) by one year. Refugees from Ukraine can stay in EU member states until March 4, 2025. They are entitled to accommodation, medical care, employment, and education until that date. The government is currently […]

Current Situation for Third-Country Nationals
This weekend, the State Secretary for Justice and Security, following the advice of the Council of State, has decided that ‘third-country nationals’ will continue to have the right to stay in the Netherlands until the Council of State reaches a final verdict on this matter. Therefore, they do not have to leave the place where […]

End of RefugeeHomeNL
RefugeeHomeNL is a collaboration between the Red Cross, Salvation Army, VluchtelingenWerk Nederland and Takecarebnb, under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice and Security. The goal of RefugeeHomeNL is to coordinate and guide the reception of refugees from Ukraine in Dutch host families. The Ministry and the participating parties have mutually decided to conclude the […]

Rental agreements with your guests
Lately, we’ve noticed a recurring trend where host families and guests enter into rental or loan agreements. In this message, we outline some pros and cons of this practice. We strongly advise you to seek thorough information beforehand, as it can have a significant impact on both the guest and the host family. Not Private […]

Situation regarding third-country nationals
Third-country nationals are individuals who have fled from Ukraine to the Netherlands and possess only a temporary residency status for Ukraine, such as a work or study visa. These individuals fall under the Temporary Directive until September 4, 2023. Return or Asylum Application For third-country nationals, it is required that they leave the Netherlands by […]

Call for Stories: Seeking Narratives
At the end of this year, a report on the RefugeeHomeNL project will be published, sharing the project’s outcomes. In addition to figures, graphs, and tables, we also aim to present the story behind RefugeeHomeNL through the firsthand experiences of guests and host families. Have you, as a host family, shared a beautiful, moving, intense, […]

Changes in living allowance
As of February 1, the living allowance for Ukrainians has changed. The amount of the living allowance now depends on the size and composition of the family. Ukrainians staying in host families also receive an additional monthly allowance of €93 per person. This money can be used for public transport, family visits and sports, for […]