Questions & Answers
Your guest
Thanks to the hospitality of many host families, thousands of Ukrainians have found a safe and dignified home in the Netherlands. On this page, we have listed the most important information about Ukrainian refugees for you.
How can we help you?

Who is eligible for accommodation?
All individuals falling under the Temporary Protection Directive for Ukraine have the right for an accommodation in the Netherlands. This includes individuals who: If you have Ukrainian citizenship. Ii you have a permanent residence status for Ukraine If you have a temporary residence status for Ukraine issued on or before February 23, 2022, and registered […]

What does the Temporary Protection Directive mean?
The Temporary Protection Directive gives displaced persons in the Netherlands the right to shelter and medical care. It also provides the opportunity to work and regulates the right to education to minors. Municipalities are largely responsible for implementing the Directive. Nearly all larger municipalities have their own municipal accommodation facilities. In addition, displaced persons can […]

What forms of accommodation are available?
In the Netherlands, we distinguish between two forms of accommodation. First is a Municipal accommodation. It is available in many municipalities, where Ukrainians can stay after registering at one of the designated registration locations. Second, Ukrainians can also be privately hosted. This involves a mutually voluntary form of accommodation. This can be with family or […]

What is expected of guests?
We expect every guest to behave as a good guest. They should work together with their host family to establish rules and agreements and adhere to them. It’s therefore helpful to put rules and agreements in writing and regularly discuss them. If you’re unable to resolve issues together, or if you suspect that your hospitality […]

Where can my guest go for information and advice? is the online starting point for all Ukrainian displaced persons in the Netherlands. Through this website, they can access information and advice on all important topics. RefugeeHelp is an initiative by VluchtelingenWerk Nederland. The website is available in Dutch, English, Russian, and Ukrainian. Additionally, RefugeeHelp offers many options for questions and advice, such as […]