On December 31, 2023, the RefugeeHomeNL project came to an end. No matches between Dutch host families and refugees from Ukraine will be facilitated through RefugeeHomeNL. We have also discontinued providing guidance and support to cohabitants. However, this website will remain active as an information source for anyone offering or considering providing shelter to Ukrainian refugees.
Advice and Assistance in 2024:
If cohabitation continues in 2024 or if you decide to become a host family again through another initiative, starting from January 1, you can seek assistance from:
1. Your local municipality for matters related to housing, employment, income, social welfare, and community support.
2. The “Handreiking POO” (Guidance for Private Reception) from the Dutch government, providing basic information for anyone offering Private Reception.
3. The RefugeeHelp.nl platform by VluchtelingenWerk, offers information and advice for refugees along with extensive contact options.
4. Your own general practitioner, who serves as the first point of contact for the physical and mental well-being of your guests and can refer them to a hospital or the appropriate authority.
5. Contact the national police number 0900 – 8844 in case of unsafe situations and concerning signals.
6. Contact 112 in all threatening and acute situations.
Our website rhnl.nl will remain operational for the time being, containing a wealth of background information, tips, and advice to ensure the success of cohabitation.