As of February 1, the living allowance for Ukrainians has changed. The amount of the living allowance now depends on the size and composition of the family. Ukrainians staying in host families also receive an additional monthly allowance of €93 per person. This money can be used for public transport, family visits and sports, for example. They can also use the money to contribute to the costs of the host family. However, this is not mandatory.
Tip: engage in conversation
Many guests and host families who live together through RefugeeHomeNL have made agreements about a contribution to the costs. Our advice is to discuss this with each other. What do the changes in the living allowance mean for your agreements? And can guest and host family come to new agreements? If desired, the Salvation Army guest housekeeper can help you with this. Of course, it is not the intention that the (voluntary) contribution of the guest exceeds the amount of his or her living allowance.
More information
The national government has translated the changes to the living allowance into clear factsheets. The fact sheets are available in Dutch, English and Ukrainian. You can download the factsheets here.