What were the roles of the four organizations within RefugeeHomeNL?

The four organizations within RefugeeHomeNL each had their responsibilities for different aspects of the program’s implementation, and they collaborate as a whole:

  • Takecarebnb – managed the applications, did screening of host families, and made the initial match between guests and hosts
  • Red Cross – The “Verbinders” (Connectors) from the Red Cross facilitated the matchmaking between guests and host families, organized mutual introductions and did intake interviews with guests. The Red Cross also handled project management and communication tasks.
  • Salvation Army (Leger des Heils) – The “Gasthuishouden-Ondersteuners” (Guesthouse Supporter Volunteers) from the Salvation Army, who are volunteers, provided guidance to both host families and guests during the cohabitation period.
  • VluchtelingenWerk Nederland – A volunteer from VluchtelingenWerk (Dutch Council for Refugees) maintained contact with the guest during the cohabitation period and offered a wide range of advice and information through RefugeeHelp and contact lines.